A Child & Youth Mental Health Leadership Summit Series
A Child & Youth Mental Health Leadership Summit Series
Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, demands on our child and youth mental healthcare systems exceeded capacity to deliver appropriate services in a timely fashion. Now, there are broad concerns that the pandemic and public health measures imposed across jurisdictions to curb transmission of the virus have had a significant impact on child and youth mental health – so much so that many child health professionals believe children’s mental health will emerge as a shadow pandemic, impacting children’s health and well-being over the months and years to come.
Children’s Healthcare Canada, in collaboration with children’s champions from across Canada, have been hosting a series of solutions-oriented consultations focused on addressing priorities identified by the child and youth mental health community. Health Human Resources, Data, Service Models and the lived experiences of those receiving services are all part of ongoing discussions that intersect with the Inspiring Healthy Futures roadmap for recovery for children, youth and families – namely, improving timely and appropriate access to child and youth mental healthcare services.

View presentations and read the April 2022 event summary.

View presentations and read May & June 2022 event summaries.